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Contents, China Literature & Art Criticism, NO.1, 2022

Documents About the 11th National Congress of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles

4 A Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the 11th National Congress of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the 10th National Congress of China Writers Association/ XI Jinping

12 An Opening Address at the 11th National Congress of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the 10th National Congress of China Writers Association/ TIE Ning

15 Staring a New Journey, Striving for a New Era and Making a Greater Contribution to Building a Nation with a Strong Socialist Culture: A Work Report at the 11th National Congress of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles/ LI Yi

32 A Closing Speech at the 11th National Congress of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles/ TIE Ning

Written Symposium on Studying and Implementing General Secretary XI Jinping’s Important Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the 11th National Congress of CFLAC and the 10th National Congress of China Writers Association

35 Opening up a New Realm in Marxist Literary Theory/ XIA Chao

38 Literary Criticism Towards Vigor and Dashing Spirit/ WANG Yichuan

40 The Dialectical Thinking in Literary Creation/ XU Yuechun

42 Creating a New Atmosphere in Acrobatic Art in the New Era/ YIN LI

44 The Scientific Connotation and Aesthetic Character of Literature and Art in the New Era/ LI Mingquan

47 Sticking to Conservation and Innovation Based on the People-Oriented Position/ FU Jin

49 The Mission and Culture of Literary and Art Workers in the New Era/ HU Zhifeng

52 Art Promoting a Good Life/ PENG Feng

54 An Important Statement on the Construction of Literature and Art Evaluation System in the New Era/ LIU Zongchao

56 The Conservation of View of Literary Criticism and the Company of People Leading to a Wide World/ JIN Hao

58 Enriching the Connotation of the Development of Literature and Art and Promoting the Inspiration of Literature and Art in the New Era/ JIA Gao

60 Sticking to Culture as the Root and Inheriting the Cultural Essence/ XIE Xianying

Theoretical Explorations

62 Review and Reflection on Chinese Aesthetic studies in the 20th Century/ HU Youfeng

78 Food and Life: My Views on SU Shi's Life Aesthetics/ LI Jian

Art Discussions

91 The View of Nature in "Urban Landscape": The Historical Transformation in Themed Creation of Contemporary Landscape Painting/ ZHENG Gong

104 The Participative Experience in Boundary Attenuation: The Aesthetic Tendency in Online Micro-Short Series/ WU Anyang

Exclusive Interview

114 Being Always on a Upward Road: An Interview with the Movie Artist WANG Xiaotang/ Interviewed by TIAN Yuan

Inside Front Cover

Chinese Literary Critics: ZHANG Jiong

Inside Back Cover

The Style of Representatives of Literary Critics at the 11th National Congress of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles

Back Cover

The Introduction to Annual Excellent Works in the Sixth “Woodpecker Cup” of Chinese Literature and Art Criticism: An Outline of Philology in Folk Narrative

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