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首页>中国评协>《中国文艺评论》>Latest Journals>正文

Contents, China Literature & Art Criticism, No.4, 2021

Special Planning•Studies on Red Literature and Art Classics in the Century Since the Founding of the Communist Party of China

4 The Times and People Calling for New Red Literature and Art Classics/ WEI Yi

14 Type as Demonstration and its characteristics: On Rhetorical Aesthetics in Red Literature and Art Classics/ WANG Yichuan

22 The Development and Artistic Characteristics of Drama on Red Classics/ SONG Baozhen

31 The Cultural Value and Development Space of Opera Themed on Red Revolution/ WANG Kui

38 The Explanation of Modernity Connotation in "Red Literature and Art Classics"/ FAN Yugang

46 The Aesthetic Orientation and Reflection of Creation Themed on Revolutionary History in the Context of Mass Culture/ LI Honghua

Criticism and Contention

51 The Mirror and the Lamp: My Reflections Inspired by Three New Theatre Works/ FU Jin

Theoretical Explorations

62 Revealing the Connotation of Society and Life Through Human Relationship and Nature: A Study on the Ideological Creation Trend of Contemporary Macau Drama/ JIANG Meng & HU Xingliang

Art Discussions

74 Young State: An Analysis of the Style Trend and Value Orientation in Artistic Creation and Production/ PENG Wenxiang & WANG Wanling

84 On High-Quality Development of TV Opera in the Context of Cultural Power/ FU Shouxiang & WEI Lina

94 The Industry Preference and Creation Characteristics of IP Transformation: A Statistical Study Based on Webisode/ LIANG Junjian & MIAO Peizhuang

105 The Interactivity of Artistic Expression and Its Implications in Video Games/ LIU Yanze

Exclusive Interview

114 The Storytellers' Art and Philosophy: An Interview with the Famous Pingshu Artist TIAN Lianyuan/ Interviewed by ZHANG Xin

Inside Front Cover

Chinese Literary Critics: CUI Kai

Inside Back Cover

Members of China Literature and Art Critics Association: Sichuan Literature and Art Critics Association

Back Cover

The Introduction to Annual Excellent Works in the Fifth "Woodpecker Cup" of Chinese Literature and Art Criticism: Contemporary Theatre and Chinese Aesthetics

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